Monday 11 August 2014

Heavy casualties

Despite having suffered heavy personal casualties, I've returned to blog here after a long weekend of silence.  The reason for the silence is that I was visited by my friend Jon from Manchester England, and frankly, hanging out with him on the road is more fun than writing a travel blog.  But I'm back.

Speaking of back, there have been heavy casualties in the form of some kind of thrown back muscle apparently on account of a sedentary life-style.  It happened on Saturday morning just before attempting to engage the Ypres salient and threatened to put an end to the weekend and waste a persons perfectly good trip all the way from Britain.  That is, if it was serious enough that I could not walk.  Turns out these things are best dealt with by moving around so I just took a bunch of pain-killers and soldiered on.  Pretty lucky all told that it wasn't very serious and that there is modern medicine to help you see through your tears.

It's still a little difficult to move around but this just means I won't be able to simulate jumping in to trenches and such.  Avante!

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